In the 3 weeks it has been since I last blogged so many new items have been added to the website! Its so exciting there are new tea towels and lots of them very colourful, St Georges Day half pint mugs, Polka chicks and bunnys baby mugs for Easter, New White Toast mugs in Pale blue and Pale green
To celebrate 25 years they now have the "Silver Collection" which is beautiful! Do have a look if you get the chance its all very WOW WOW WOW!
I visited the EB Factory on tuesday to take a friend who had never been before on the factory tour, we arrived shortly after 1100 and had tea and cake, booked in to decorate some pottery and a quick snoop around the factory shop before going on a fab tour!
It is great to see how it is all made from start to finish, it really is an interesting tour if you ever get chance to go on it. My friend who only had one piece of Bridgewater already has now become quite a fan and has started her pink hearts collection which consists of 2 half pint mugs, a plate and a milk jug, im glad i am now not alone and her husband is just as happy as mine!
Enough of the Bridgewater!!
Now I finally got my butt back in the saddle this weekend just gone and my gosh is it sore now! I often ride the ponies in and out of the field bareback but sitting back in the saddle after having a winter off really feels different! I took the dogs with me and we had such a lovely ride in the wonderful weather that we had.